Dental prostheses are rigid pieces usually made from the outside of the oral cavity (in the dental laboratory or sometimes in the cabinet) of various materials (acrylic, composite, metal, ceramic, zirconium) <
Dental prostheses are rigid pieces usually made outside the oral cavity (in the dental laboratory or sometimes in the cabinet) of various materials (acrylic, composite, metal, ceramics, zirconium) and which will then be anchored in the mouth, restoring the integrity and the functionality of the dental arches and the entire dento-maxillary device. Besides their functional appearance, the dentures will recreate as much anatomical and natural as possible the features of the smile and the pleasant look. These can be:
Fixes (crowns or bridges): em>
Fixed work can be made from different materials
Face-to-face patients should have impeccable hygiene and come to regular check-ups at the dentist at least once every 6 months. Full hygienisation is envisaged along with a thorough check of dental structures covered by facets (adaptation of facets, evolved changes etc.). The application of dental veneers is a treatment solution and has some clear indications, so the decision to apply them is taken by the patient together with the dentist to finally reach the best option for aesthetics as the patient expects.
No prep ceramics facets are very thin ceramic structures that adhere to the external surface of the teeth, altering both shape, color and light tooth displacements. Generally, the target teeth are flanked. The difference from ordinary dental faces is precisely the preparation (teeth grinding), which in the case of no-prep facets is minimized or even does not exist. Another indication of these faces would be the closure of the spaces between the front teeth, a problem solved successfully with their help. Moreover, the jaws of the mandible against the jaw in the masticatory movements can be replenished with their help. A great advantage of these faces and of the workmanship is the fact that the whole process is painless, precisely because of the lack of the need to grind the teeth. In general, two to three treatment sessions are needed until they are applied.
Mobilizable em> (indicated in the case of extensive edentations that do not allow dental bridges to be made): anchored by special tooth systems but voluntarily removed by the patient for hygiene). Ex: skeletal prostheses.
No metal content – thanks to the latest generation of technology, there will be no space between tooth and dental work. The possibility of the allergic reaction to metal is completely removed.
Color stability – There are many cases where the gum around the crowns of metal and ceramics change color, and then the patients come back and ask for the change of the crowns with some of the whole ceramic type.
Total Biocompatibility – This eliminates the risk of allergies or the development of infections under the work. Thanks to the top material used, the work will be integrated into the gum in the shortest time naturally
because it dents the dental surface very well.
Redefining the smile and color of the teeth – most often, the front and side teeth change the teeth line and, implicitly, the smile. Made of a single block of lithium-disilicate ceramics, the crown
of integral ceramics is one of the most appreciated
dental aesthetic instruments. Because it requires removal of a significant amount of tooth, perhaps a better variant is a full ceramic facet. Most often teeth are covered
fronts with integral ceramic crowns, and for lateral teeth, zirconium ceramic crowns, the latter providing increased strength.
Minimally invasive teeth grinding – for a good fit and lasting work, the dentist can interfere with the tooth enamel that is about to clothe the dental crown, with the idea that some dirt
or irregularities should be polished. However, it is intended to protect the enamel and the tooth. Because before applying an integral dental crown, the tooth may require hygiene work like
would be cleaning a caries, filling or removing the tartar, which could again include the minimally invasive sanding process.
Suitable for those with limited space between teeth – because they are of superior quality, the integral ceramic crowns are hardly distinguishable from natural teeth, which is why they are especially appreciated
for use in teeth front areas, where there is limited space between teeth. As we have already mentioned in previous lines, faceting is an option for those who do not want total reconversion.
Posterior teeth located in narrow space and not completely destroyed can benefit from ceramic inlays, which will completely restore the contour of the tooth.
A long-term investment – even if it could be a financial effort at the moment, sustainability studies indicate a success rate of 93% for 10 years and 77% for 20 years.
Mobile (total prostheses): em> are extensive work done in the case of total edentations that only rely on the bone structures of the oral cavity
Dental Puncture vs. dental implant em>
The dental bridge has been a viable treatment for many years, but, as I have already mentioned, it has some drawbacks.
Polishing, basically killing natural teeth em> to turn them into bridge poles is the major drawback. Not often, to achieve an aesthetic bridge, grinding involves on all surfaces at least 2, even 2.5mm, leading to channel treatments em>.
At the same time, if the patient is not careful with oral hygiene, debris can accumulate food debris which, by decomposition, generates gingival inflammation and, respectively, periodontal disease . Due to the advantages offered by dental implants, they have grown as a popularity lately, the variant of dentures treated with dental teeth on natural teeth decreasing concurrently.
On the other hand there are situations, even if they are not numerous, where the dental implant is not recommended, the dental bridge being an excellent alternative. For example, maybe there is not enough bone in the area where the dental implant is to be made and the patient can not add bone.
Another scenario is that of patients with bleeding and clotting problems, in which even if the implant is not a contraindication, the operation itself may be a danger
Costs are another factor: initially, the costs of a tooth dentition seem lower than dental implant treatment. This should be looked at because in the long run, the costs of implant treatment are lower than those of natural tooth treatment.
Titanium implants have proven their long-term reliability, lasting over 50 years when they were of good quality and cared for. If we take into account that a dental bridge due to the physiological changes that occur in the gum and bone requires a change of about 8 years, we should realize about 6, 7 bridges to equalize the “life” of the implant. Dental implants are easy to maintain, have no nerve and are prone to pruritus like natural teeth, resulting in much lower costs in the long run.
Even if the loss of a tooth will not produce a masticatory deficiency immediately, its replacement should be a priority. em> p>