
The dental implant recommended by Sanadent doctors (AnyRidge Implant System-Megagen)has numerous aesthetic benefits and results.
Design that meets the highest quality standards currently in implantology; is made of a titanium alloy of grade 4, of superior purity; presents a spiral that spares the bone substrate – surgery is thus minimally invasive.
MEGAGEN AnyRidge is the first implant system made of high purity titanium alloy that introduces the innovative concept of the progressive Knife Thread spirals. With these springs, the AnyRidge implant becomes the optimal solution regardless of the bone quality of the implant. Knife Thread ensures both cortical bone protection and the possibility of applying a dental crown at the same session, shortening the treatment time.

The dentistry branch, Implantology requires in-depth knowledge of the materials currently available and about the general health of the patient to control the success of the treatment.

Implant treatment is sometimes the only way to restore the function of the oral cavity, and in other cases it is the closest natural way to replace the missing teeth.

Thanks to them, patients do not have to sacrifice natural teeth to anchor dental bridgework, they no longer use mobile prostheses that create permanent discomfort, but they can benefit from fixed teeth, anchored on implants, showing and feeling just like natural teeth.

Megagen also released another innovative product, namely the AnyRidge dental implant. This implant fulfills the most important aesthetic and functional criteria, addressing patients who do not accept any compromise

The Megagen dental implant was specifically designed to minimize the dislocation of the skewed bone and the volume of soft tissue. Thanks to this implant, surgery is performed three times faster, ensuring both stability and maximum bone retention

The implants recommended by our doctors are implants of the latest generation, implants with rapid osteointegration with features that offer exceptional professional benefits: primary stability, osteointegration with hard and soft tissue preservation, rapid healing time, offering flexibility (wide range of sizes, conicities) ideal for front areas , difficult to manage.
Anyridge implant
has an active coil design that makes it very stable in any kind of situation. Advantages: replacement of any type of tooth; allows fixation of prostheses on implants by locators; very stable in situations where the bone is not of the highest quality; peak aesthetic results; very resistant to molar area.

The new properties of the implant result in rapid, high-quality biological integration, thus facilitating treatment and increasing patient satisfaction.

„Changes lead to innovation and innovation to progress” Li Keqiang

Most often, the absence of teeth is in the posterior area of ​​the mouth where the largest masticatory forces are concentrated. When a tooth is missing, the other teeth take over from the lost work, which leads to new dental conditions over time.


Simultaneous replacement of the space with an implant prevents the overloading of the other teeth, the migration of the adjacent teeth to the missing space, the appearance of spaces between the other teeth, inappropriate abrasion and other problems derived from them.

The dental implant is a piece made of pure medical titanium (99,95%), having the shape of a screw that has a perfect biocompatible with tissues in the oral cavity. It is intended to create an artificial root in the jaw bone, where the tooth or natural teeth are missing, the root that will support the new crown (the new tooth). The insertion of the implant into the maxillary bone is performed by a short surgical procedure under local anesthesia.

The evaluation of the possibility and insertion of implants is carried out as follows:

Consultation by implantologist surgeon

* this session visualizes the area where the implant should be inserted, on a panoramic radiograph and in the oral cavity.

* the overall health status is assessed and further analysis is indicated

* are generally required: patient blood tests and CT scan for 3D viewing (these are done at the doctor’s advice)

Next assessment is done without a patient, the doctor studies the tomographic images that give him clear information about the amount of bone present, the quality of the bone, the proximity of the other teeth, and the surrounding anatomical structures to be circumvented (maxillary sinus, mandibular nerve canal, etc.). The doctor finds the need or not of extra maneuvers in order to be able to insert the implant in optimal conditions – it can be addition of bones of different sizes and by different techniques (ex sinus lift).

For the dental implant procedure to work, there must be sufficient bone mass in the jaw, and the bone must be strong enough to support the implant. If this does not happen, bone mass needs to be increased through a bone addition procedure (bone augmentation).


In short, addition of bone represents the intervention on the bone bed in order to increase its volume, by means of surgical techniques of adding substitute materials (bio-materials).




Presentation of patient results and decision to continue treatment

Implant insertion session

for this session the patient must be rested and in good condition. Further, everything is done under optimal SANADENT surgical conditions.

At the end of the session, the patient receives precise indications of how to act in the next few days to heal.

!!Caution – choosing the type of implant does not consist of the patient’s decision, there are many cases where a particular type of implant that has certain characteristics (in particular) has to be inserted into a certain type of bone in a certain space.


You have faith in innovation and medicine.

“The ultimate goal of medicine is not only to cure or prevent disease, but to even perfect people and make them happier by making them better” HIPOCRATE


“Changes lead to innovation and innovation to progress” Li Keqiang

Implant treatment is sometimes the only way to restore the function of the oral cavity, and in other cases it is the closest natural way to replace the missing teeth.

Simultaneous replacement of the space with an implant prevents: the overthrow of the other teeth, the movement of the adjacent teeth towards the missing space, the appearance of spaces between the other teeth, the inappropriate abrasion and other problems derived from them.

The dentistry branch, which requires in-depth knowledge of the materials currently available and about the general health of the patient in order to control the success of the treatment.

The most common lack of teeth is in the posterior area of the mouth where the largest masticatory forces are concentrated. When a tooth is missing, the other teeth take on the labor of the lost one, which leads to new dental conditions over time.

Possible assessment and insertion of implants is done as follows:

1. Consult implantologist surgeon – this session visualizes the area where the implant should be inserted on a panoramic radiograph and the mouth and measure that space in all directions, about

– the overall health status is assessed and further analysis is indicated

– generally are required: patient blood tests and CT scan for 3D viewing (these are done at the physician’s indication)

2.The next assessment is done without a patient, the doctor is studying tomographic images that give him clear information about the amount of bone present, the quality of the bone, the proximity of the other teeth and the surrounding anatomical structures to be circumvented (maxillary sinus, mandible nerve channel, etc.).

– this evaluation reveals the need for additional maneuvers in order to be able to insert the implant in optimal conditions – it can be added to bones of different sizes and by different techniques (ex sinus lift)

3.Presenting the results obtained, the patient, and making the decision to continue the treatment

4. Implant insertion session

– for this session the patient must be rested and in good condition, but everything is done in optimal surgical conditions of the SANADENT team

5. At the end of the session, the patient receives precise instructions on how to act in the next few days to heal

!!!WARNING – choosing the type of implant does not consist of the patient’s decision, there are many cases where a certain type of implant that has certain characteristics, especially of a shape, must be inserted into a certain type of bone from a certain space


Dental implant is not the only way to replace a missing tooth or teeth, but is the first one recommended in these situations because it mimics the best of nature.